Memori Indah , USU ,Sumatera Utara

Perjalanan Pembelajaran kursus kedoktoran di Universitas Sumatera Utara mengamit memori.
Teringat kembali memory semalam , gurau ketawa, senda gurau di dewan makan , kini seorang demi seorang rakan telah pergi selama nya.

Album lama di tatap, teringat sahabat dari Sabah, Singapore seiring perjalanan megalami suka duka bertahun lamanya di perantauan. Menimba ilmu dengan ranjau dan duri.

Di usia senja masihkah kita dapat bersama , umpama dimajlis kenduri di Sumatera Ini? Masak lemak nagka Indonesia sungguh enak sekali ,lauk puyuh cili api .

di dewan kuliah bermacam cerita,Doktor Pakar yang masih muda sangat memberi semangat waja, perjuangan diteruskan tanpa mengenal erti jemu. Kejayaan pasti di genggam.

Lawatan di desa yang meyeronokan,Klinik -klinik Desa yang sangat membantu pesakit di kawasan pendalaman,

Alangkah bagus jika di Semenanjung pegawai sebegini  humble dengan pesakit yang datang…

sangat terkesan di hati ,

menjadi kenangan abadi selamanya…..


Beware Cancer Symptoms That Everyone Ignores

Detecting early symptoms is the best way to treat and cure this bad disease. Some of the symptoms can also be quite common, but many of men and women ignore them.Find out which are the most common symptoms of cancer:

1. Short of breath

One of the first signs of lung cancer, and patients who suffer from it are saying that they noticed the symptoms like the wheezing or shortness of breath and noise while breathing. Frequent misdiagnosis that people give themselves is that they have asthma.


2. Chronic cough and chest pain

Several types of cancer, including leukemia and lung cancer, can be recognized by the symptoms such as cough or bronchitis. One of the ways that you can tell the difference is if the problem is constant or occasionally disappears. If you have constant pain or cough, go do the analysis.

3. Common infections

Frequent infections are symptoms of leukemia that is if our blood starts producing abnormal amount of white blood vessels so they cannot fight the infection effectively. Leukemia is often found among adults even when the patient complains of frequent occurrences like fever and flu-like symptoms.

4. Difficulty in swallowing

Difficulty in swallowing is a symptom commonly associated with cervical cancer or one of the first symptoms of lung cancer.

5. Swollen lymph nodes under the armpit or groin

Enlarged lymph glands show changes in the lymphatic system, which can be a sign of cancer. Painless lump under armpit often leads to breast cancer, while a lump on groin and neck, may reference an early sign of leukemia.


How to overcome ?

Cancer is a disease of the mind, body, and spirit. A proactive and positive spirit will help the cancer warrior be a survivor.

 Anger, unforgiveness and bitterness put the body into a stressful and acidic environment. Learn to have a loving and forgiving spirit. Learn to relax and enjoy life.

Do you know  Every person has cancer cells in the body. These cancer cells do not show up in the standard tests until they have multiplied to a few billion. When doctors tell cancer patients that there are no more cancer cells in their bodies after treatment, it just means the tests are unable to detect the cancer cells because they have not reached the detectable size.


Metastasis of Cancer Cell :


When the person’s immune system is strong the cancer cells will be destroyed and prevented from multiplying and forming tumors.

 When a person has cancer it indicates the person has multiple nutritional deficiencies. These could be due to genetic, environmental, food and lifestyle factors. .To overcome the multiple nutritional deficiencies, changing diet and including supplements will strengthen the immune system.


Chemotherapy involves poisoning the rapidly growing cancer cells and also destroys rapidly growing healthy cells in the bone marrow, gastrointestinal tract etc, and can cause organ damage, like liver, kidneys, heart, lungs etc.  Radiation while destroying cancer cells also burns, scars and damages healthy cells, tissues and organs.  Initial treatment with chemotherapy and radiation will often cut tumor size. However prolonged use of chemotherapy and radiation do not result in more tumor destruction.  When the body has too much toxic burden from chemotherapy and radiation the immune system is either compromised or destroyed, hence the person can succumb to various kinds of infections and complications.

 Chemotherapy and radiation can cause cancer cells to mutate and become resistant and difficult to destroy. Surgery can also cause cancer cells to spread to other sites.


 An effective way to battle cancer is to starve the cancer cells by not feeding it with the foods it needs to multiply.

Lemah Tenaga Batin

Bilangan lelaki berusia antara 40 hingga 70 tahun menghadapi masalah untuk mencapai atau mengekalkan ketegangan. Penyelidikan menyatakan bahawa usia purata penghidap penyakit lemah tenaga batin atau erectile dysfunction di benua Asia lebih muda dengan penghidap di negara China bermula ketika berusia 42 tahun.. Secara rambang, kira-kira 100 juta lelaki di seluruh dunia dianggarkan menghadapi masalah lemah tenaga batin. Malah hampir sejuta lelaki di Malaysia akan menghadapi masalah tersebut.

Lemah tenaga batin dikaitkan sebagai ketidakupayaan yang berterusan untuk mencapai atau mengekalkan ketegangan yang secukupnya bagi menghasilkan satu aktiviti seks yang memuaskan. Ia merupakan satu masalah yang meluas namun jarang diperkatakan di kalangan lelaki terutamanya di dalam masyarakat Asia.

Bagi masyarakat Asia, adalah sesuatu yang amat mengaibkan untuk memperkatakan tentang penyakit ini secara terbuka. Banyak beranggapan ‘kejantanan’ lelaki terletak pada kehebatan mereka di ranjang.”Lelaki yang mempunyai masalah lemah tenaga batin perlu mengambil langkah permulaan untuk mengetahui bahawa mereka tidak perlu menderita dalam diam.

Kebanyakan orang merujuk penyakit ini sebagai mati pucuk mungkin disebabkan anggapan negatif yang tertanam di benak mereka sejak sekian lama. Justeru kebanyakan lelaki mengelakkan diri daripada mendapatkan bantuan doktor. Sesetengahnya pula bimbang bahawa ujian yang dijalankan untuk mendiagnosa masalah lemah tenaga batin akan menyebabkan ketidakselesaan. Tambahan pula lelaki tidak tahu apa yang boleh diharapkan jika mereka mendapatkan rawatan dan akibatnya menimbulkan kekecewaan.


Masalah lemah tenaga batin biasanya berlaku akibat gangguan vaskular yang menjejaskan bekalan darah ke zakar. Perjalanan darah boleh terganggu akibat pengerasan arteri (arteriosclerosis), diabetes, tekanan darah tinggi atau tahap kolesterol dalam darah yang luar biasa tingginya. Diabetes (kencing manis) merupakan satu-satunya masalah utama yang boleh dikaitkan dengan lemah tenaga batin. Ia boleh menimbulkan kesukaran seksual lelaki pada sebarang usia melalui gangguan sistem perjalanan darah dan saraf yang terlibat untuk merangsang ketegangan.

“Selain berpunca daripada keadaan fizikal, keadaan psikologi juga boleh menyebabkan masalah ini. Ketegangan perasaan, bebanan kerja, keletihan, perkahwinan yang tidak harmoni juga boleh menyebabkan lelaki menghadapi masalah ketidakupayaan. Sebenarnya, masalah ini adalah masalah perubatan yang biasa dan lelaki tidak pernah keseorangan menghadapinya. Cuma, tanpa rawatan segera, ia boleh menyebabkan banyak masalah emosi yang seterusnya menjejaskan imej diri, hilang keyakinan, ketegangan fikiran dan masalah perhubungan suami isteri.

“Masalah kesihatan lain yang boleh menyebabkan lemah tenaga batin ialah gangguan neurologi seperti sclerosis , penyakit alzemir (angin ahmar) dan trauma akibat kecederaan pelvik atau tulang belakang. Pembedahan khususnya penyakit prostat dan terafi radiasi juga boleh menjejaskan fungsi tenaga batin sama seperti sesetengah ubat yang dipriskripsi untuk merawat penyakit seperti tekanan darah tinggi, ketegangan perasaan, penyakit jantung, ulser gastrik dan barah,”

“Terdapat beberapa pilihan yang kini tersedia untuk merawat masalah lemah tenaga batin  atas nasihat pakar dan pengubatan biasa. jika didapati penyebab fizikal bukan punca lemah tenaga batin, kaunseling dan psikoterapi boleh membantu meredakan masalah. Biasanya, bagi lelaki yang mengalaminya akibat fizikal dan psikologi, gabungan kaunseling dan rawatan suppliment sangat diperlukan .

Ubatan Homeopathy seperti Damiana Q  ,Agnus Cactus 6x ,Acidum Phos 6x ,Yohimbinum Q ,Caladium Segunium 6x, Lycopodium 6x ,Selenium 12x sesuai digunakan bergantung kepada symptom yang diberi. Makanan Tambahan dapat memulihkan terus pesakit dengan cara pemulihan metabolisma sel tubuh. Spray digunakan  untuk menegangkan  zakar sewaktu hendak melakukan hubungan seksual  sekali gus merangsangkan keghairahan seks .





Atasi Lemah Ingatan; IQ Booster

Ubat Homeopati Terkini Untuk Cergas Minda

Cerdik pandai yang mempunyai keilmuan dalam bidang biokimia Schuessler pasti menyokong bahawa garam-garam inorganik ,penawar biokimia, Kali phos sebagai ‘brain tonic“.

Penawar Kali phosphorica  dicampurkan dengan beberapa penawar lain yang mengandungi fosfat, terutama Magnesium phosphorica dan Calcarea phosphorica. semua fosfat biokimia dirumus sebagai penawar saraf merupakan makanan yang baik untuk memulihkan masalah minda, jiwa, saraf dan otak.

Masalah minda, jiwa, saraf dan otak  seperti lemah daya fikir, penyakit Alzheimer, dangkal ilmu, sombong, dengki, kebodohan atau kedunguan, lupa, dangkal, fikiran tertutup, nyanyuk, masygul, rendah diri, cemburu, dengki, sakit hati dan sebagainya mempunyai ruang untuk  dirawat melalui kaedah homeopathy.



Rumusan ini  boleh menambahkan tenaga dan membina serta membaiki tisu, sama ada tubuh ataupun organ otak dan saraf.     Yakin dalam  hadis Rasulullah s.a.w. yang membawa maksud “Setiap penyakit ada ubatnya…

Sekadar ikhtiar untuk meningkatkan keupayaan anak-anak atau orang yang lemah fikiran.  Baik digunakan untuk: Anak-anak malas sekolah, malas membaca, lemah , digunakan juga  untuk orang dewasa yang cepat pelupa, keletihan, penat dan lemah-lemah badan


Prestasi Rawatan Homeopathy

ILMIAH HOMEOPATI 2015 Kesihatan adalah anugerah dan nikmat Allah yang paling berharga. Kesihatan dan perubatan memang suatu hal yang tidak dapat dipisahkan dalam kehidupan manusia bermula dari lahir hinggalah ke hujung hayat.Ilmu perubatan kian berkembang sehinggalah wujudnya pelbagai sistem, kaedah, pendekatan,dan pelbagai ubat-ubatan . Dalam penemuan, perkembangan, dan kemajuan ilmu perubatan itu, perubatan homeopati adalah antara kaedah perubatan Alternatif/komplementari yang terbesar dan semakin mendapat tempat dan pengiktirafan oleh Pelbagai pihak , termasuklah Pertubuhan Kesihatan Sedunia (WHO). Banyak penyakit yang tidak mampu diubati dengan cara tradisional dan konvensional dapat diatasi dengan perubatan Homeopati. Banyak institusi pengajian tinggi di dalam dan di luar negara yang menawarkan kursus perubatan homeopati sehingga peringkat ijazah. Namun, masih terlalu ramai rakyat Malaysia yang tidak mengenalinya, malah tersalah maklumat tentang homeopathy sehingga menganggapnya sebagai perubatan tradisional, mistik, atau herba.Hadirkan diri di International Applied Homeopathy  di Cyberjaya University Collage Medical Science ,( CUCMS) Malaysia Studio_20150420_123131[1] Perlu Pendedahan kepada semua pihak untuk mengetahui lebih lanjut: 1. Tentang konsep, prinsip dan falsafah homeopati dan kaitannya dengan kehidupan manusia dari aspek fizikal dan mental. 2. Menjelaskan persamaan dan perbezaan homeopati dengan perubatan-perubatan yang lain. 3. Mendedahkan remedi (ubat) homeopati boleh digunakan untuk penyakit atau masalah fizikal, juga untuk merawat masalah mental. 4. Mendedahkan ilmu homeopati kepada sesiapa yang berminat.

2014 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog. Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 3,400 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 57 trips to carry that many people.

What is chemotherapy?

Chemotherapy is the use of medication (chemicals) to treat disease. More specifically, chemotherapy typically refers to the destruction of cancer cells. However, chemotherapy may also include the use of antibiotics or other medications to treat any illness or infection.

Factors that play a role in side effects include other ongoing treatments, previous health issues, age, and lifestyle. Some patients experience few side effects while others feel quite ill. Although most side effects clear up shortly after treatment ends, some may continue well after chemotherapy has ended, and some may never go away.
Chemotherapy drugs are most likely to affect cells in the digestive tract, hair follicles, bone marrow, mouth, and reproductive system. However, cells in any part of the body may be damaged.

Chemotherapy drugs work in various ways:
• Impairing mitosis (prevent cell division) – these are known as cytotoxic drugs.
• Targeting cancer cell’s food source,enzymes and hormones,require in order to grow
*Stopping the growth of new blood vessels that supply a tumor
Chemotherapy (chemo) drugs interfere with a cancer cell’s ability to divide and reproduce. Chemo drugs may be applied into the bloodstream to attack cancer cells throughout the body, or they can be delivered directly to specific cancer sites

When to get urgent medical advice
While the side effects of chemotherapy can be distressing, most do not pose a serious threat to your health.
However, occasionally some side effects can be very serious. For example, if you have a rapid fall in white blood cells, you may be vulnerable to a serious infection.
People having chemotherapy for cancer of their blood cells or bone marrow are most at risk of serious infections. This is because this type of cancer will already have caused a reduction in white blood cell numbers.

Symptoms of a serious problem include:
• a high temperature of 38°C (100.4°F) or above
• shivering
• breathing difficulties
• chest pain
• flu-like symptoms, such as muscle aches and pain
• bleeding gums or nose
• bleeding from other parts of the body that does not stop after applying pressure for 10 minutes
• mouth ulcers that stop you eating or drinking
*vomiting that continues despite taking anti-sickness medication
*four or more bowel movements a day, or diarrhoea

Circulatory and Immune Systems
Routine blood count monitoring is a crucial part of chemotherapy. That’s because the drugs can harm cells in the bone marrow, where blood is produced. This can result in several problems. Red blood cells carry oxygen to tissues. Anemia occurs when your body doesn’t produce enough red blood cells, making you feel extremely fatigued. Other symptoms of anemia include:
• lightheadedness
• pale skin
• difficulty thinking
• feeling cold
• general weakness
Chemo can lower your white blood cell count, which results in neutropenia. White blood cells play an important role in the immune system: they help fight infection and ward off illness. Symptoms aren’t always obvious, but a low white blood cell count raises the risk of infection and illness. People with an immune system weakened by chemotherapy must take precautions to avoid exposure to viruses, bacteria, and other germs.

Cells called platelets help the blood clot. A low platelet count, called thrombocytopenia, means you’re likely to bruise and bleed easily. Symptoms include nosebleeds, blood in vomit or stools, and heavier-than-normal menstruation.
Some chemo drugs can weaken the heart muscle, resulting in cardiomyopathy, or disturb the heart rhythm, causing arrhythmia. This can affect the heart’s ability to pump blood effectively. Some chemo drugs can increase the risk of heart attack. These problems are less likely to occur if your heart is strong and healthy at the start of chemotherapy.

Nervous and Muscular Systems
The central nervous system controls emotions, thought patterns, and coordination. Chemotherapy drugs may cause problems with memory, or make it difficult to concentrate or think clearly. This symptom sometimes is called “chemo fog,” or “chemo brain.” This mild cognitive impairment may go away following treatment, or may linger for years. Severe cases can add to anxiety and stress.
Some chemo drugs can cause pain, weakness, numbness, or tingling in the hands and feet (peripheral neuropathy). Muscles may feel tired, achy, or shaky. Reflexes and small motor skills may be slowed. It’s not unusual to experience problems with balance and coordination.

Digestive System
Some of the most common side effects of chemotherapy involve the digestive tract. Mouth sores and dry mouth can make it difficult to chew and swallow. Sores also may form on the tongue, lips, gums, or in the throat. Mouth sores can make you more susceptible to bleeding and infection. Many patients complain of a metallic taste in the mouth, or a yellow or white coating on the tongue. Food may taste unusual or unpleasant.
These powerful drugs can harm cells along the gastrointestinal tract. Nausea is a common symptom, and may result in bouts of vomiting. However, anti-nausea medications given in conjunction with chemotherapy drugs can help alleviate this symptom.

Other digestive issues include loose stools or diarrhea. In some people, hard stools and constipation can be a problem. This may be accompanied by pressure, bloating, and gas. Take care to avoid dehydration by drinking plenty of water throughout the day.
Side effects involving the digestive system can contribute to loss of appetite and feeling full even though you haven’t eaten much. Weight loss and general weakness are common. Despite all this, it’s important to continue eating healthy foods.

Hair, Skin, and Nails (Integumentary System)
Many chemotherapy drugs affect the hair follicles and can cause hair loss (alopecia) within a few weeks of the first treatment. Hair loss can occur on the head, eyebrows, eyelashes, and body. As troubling as it can be, hair loss is temporary. New hair growth usually begins several weeks after the final treatment.
Some patients experience minor skin irritations like dryness, itchiness, and rash. You may develop sensitivity to the sun, making it easier to burn. Your doctor can recommend topical ointments to soothe irritated skin.
Fingernails and toenails may turn brown or yellow, and become ridged or brittle. Nail growth may slow down, and nails may crack or break easily. In severe cases, they can actually separate from the nail bed. It’s important to take good care of your nails to avoid infection.

Sexual and Reproductive System
Chemotherapy drugs can have an effect on your hormones. In women, hormonal changes can bring on hot flashes, irregular periods, or sudden onset of menopause. They may become temporarily or permanently infertile. Women on chemotherapy may experience dryness of vaginal tissues that can make intercourse uncomfortable or painful. The chance of developing vaginal infections is increased. Chemotherapy drugs given during pregnancy can cause birth defects. In men, some chemo drugs can harm sperm or lower sperm count, and temporary or permanent infertility is possible.

Symptoms like fatigue, anxiety, and hormonal fluctuations may interfere with sex drive in both men and women. So can worrying about loss of hair and other changes in appearance. However, many people on chemotherapy continue to enjoy an intimate relationship and an active sex life.

Kidneys and Bladder (Excretory System)
The kidneys work to excrete the powerful chemotherapy drugs as they move through your body. In the process, some kidney and bladder cells can become irritated or damaged. Symptoms of kidney damage include decreased urination, swelling of the hands and feet (edema), and headache. Symptoms of bladder irritation include a feeling of burning when urinating and increased urinary frequency.
You’ll be advised to drink plenty of fluids to flush the medication from your system and to keep your system functioning properly. Note: Some medications cause urine to turn red or orange for a few days. This isn’t cause for concern.

Skeletal System
Most people—and especially women—lose some bone mass as they age. Some chemotherapy drugs can cause calcium levels to drop and contribute to bone loss. This can lead to cancer-related osteoporosis, especially in post-menopausal women and those whose menopause was brought on suddenly due to chemotherapy.
According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), women who have been treated for breast cancer are at increased risk for osteoporosis and bone fracture. This is due to the combination of the drugs and the drop in estrogen levels. Osteoporosis increases the risk of bone fractures and breaks. The most common areas of the body to suffer breaks are the spine and pelvis, hips, and wrists.

Psychological and Emotional Toll
Living with cancer and dealing with chemotherapy can exact an emotional toll. You may feel fearful, stressed, or anxious about your appearance and your health. Some people may suffer from depression. Juggling work, financial, and family responsibilities while undergoing cancer treatment can become overwhelming.
Patients may receive monotherapy or combination therapy:
• Monotherapy – the patient is given just one drug.
• Combination therapy – the patient receives more than one drug.
Which type the patient receives will depend on the kind of cancer the patient has, as well as some other health considerations.

Chemotherapy may be given at different stages
• Neo-adjuvant therapy – if the tumor is large the surgeon may want to shrink it before surgery. This may involve some pre-operative chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy.

Chemoradiation therapy – the chemotherapy is given in combination with radiotherapy. Patients with localized Hodgkin’s lymphoma where the tumor is situated above the diaphragm should be given chemotherapy combined with radiotherapy,

How long is a course of chemotherapy?
In the majority of cases for best results the patient will need regular chemotherapy over a specific period. A protocol plan is drawn up which specifies when treatment sessions will occur and for how long.

A course of chemotherapy may be just a one-day treatment, or can last for a few weeks – it will depend on the type and stage of the cancer (how advanced it is). If the patient requires more than one course of treatment there will be a rest period for his/her body to recover. This could be a one-day treatment followed by a week’s rest period, followed by another one-day treatment followed by a three-week rest period, etc. This may be repeated many times.

Thanks to

2013 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 5,200 times in 2013. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 4 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Hepatitis and Homeopathy

The liver has everything to do with how we live, that’s why it is called the liver. The state of your liver will have a huge bearing upon how well you live, how long you will live and how you will look and feel.

Liver  Facts

  1. ·        Weighs about 1 pound.
  2. ·        Carries out 1000s of functions per day.
  3. ·        Effects the emotions.
  4. ·        Cleanses the blood.
  5. ·        Helps regulate blood sugar.
  6. ·        Metabolizes fats.
  7. ·        Synthesizes vitamin A.
  8. ·        Breaks down toxic substances.
  9. ·        Stores iron for the body.
  10. ·        Stores glycogen (converted glucose).
  11. ·        Metabolizes carbohydrates. Metabolizes proteins

Liver Functions

What  Liver Symptoms Do You Have?

  • 1) Right shoulder stiffness, tightness or soreness?
  • 2) Irritable or stressed?
  • 3) Fuzzy or foggy vision?
  • 4) Headaches?
  • 5) Poor concentration or focus?
  • 6) Itchy, irritated, red or dry eyes?
  • 7) Insomnia, restless or rough sleep?
  • 8) Fed up with people or have little patience with them?
  • 9) Liver problems or hot flashes?
  • 10) Dry, bad, itchy, burning or irritated skin?
  • 11) A constant itch that never goes away?
  • 12) Muddled or muddy thinking?
  • 13) Overwhelming moods or emotions?
  • 14) Wound up and ready to explode?
  • 15) Gallbladder flare ups or issues?
  • 16) Use or crave alcohol or spirits?
  • 17) Nose, sinus or chest congestion?
  • 18) Acne, boils, rashes or breakouts?



A number of diseases can affect the liver such as acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and tumors. The underlying causes of these disease states include viral infections like hepatitis A, B and C alcohol,  by long-term overuse of drugs or other toxins (poisons), metabolic disorders and immunological factors.

 Although there are several different types of  hepatitis, hepatitis B is a type that can move from one person to another through blood and other bodily fluids. It can be transmitted through sexual intercourse and through needles — such as those shared by intravenous drug or steroid users who have the virus, or tattoo needles that haven’t been properly sterilized. A pregnant woman can also pass hepatitis B to her unborn baby. You cannot catch hepatitis B from an object, such as a toilet seat.

What Are the Symptoms?

  • ·        hepatitis B may have symptoms similar to those caused by other viral infections, such as the flu
  • ·        tiredness,-feel tired
  • ·        nausea  and vomiting
  • ·         pain underneath the right ribcage where the liver is.
  • ·        feel sick to your stomach
  • ·        have a fever- mild fever
  • ·        not want to eat- loss of appetite
  • ·        have stomach pain as well as abdominal pain
  • ·        have diarrhea

Some people have

Hepatitis B can also cause jaundice,

  • ·        dark yellow urine- may cause the urine to appear brownish
  • ·        light-colored stools
  • ·        yellowing of the skin and the whites of the eyes (yellowish eyes )

How Long Until Symptoms Appear?

Someone who has been exposed to hepatitis B may have symptoms 1 to 4 months later. Some people with hepatitis B don’t notice symptoms until they become quite severe. Some have few or no symptoms, but even someone who doesn’t notice any symptoms can still transmit the disease to others. Some people carry the virus in their bodies and are contagious for the rest of their lives.

What Can Happen?

Hepatitis B can be very dangerous to a person’s health, leading to liver damage and an increased risk of liver cancer. Of babies born to women who have the hepatitis B virus, 90% will have the virus unless they receive a special immune injection and the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine at birth.


How Is It Prevented?

Hepatitis infection can be serious, but knowing what puts you at risk can help protect you.Because hepatitis B can easily be transmitted through blood and most body fluids, it can be prevented by:

  • ·        abstaining from sex (not having oral, vaginal, or anal sex -all types of sexual intercourse)
  • ·        health care wear gloves at all times  .  be sure avoiding contact with an infected person’s blood
  • ·        not using intravenous drugs or sharing any drug paraphernalia
  • ·        not sharing things like toothbrushes or razors
  • ·        Avoid eating raw shellfish (such as clams or oysters).
  •          You could put yourself at risk for hepatitis A if the shellfish was harvested from contaminated water.
  • ·        If you are thinking about getting a  piercing, be sure the shop sterilizes needles properly.
  •           Poorly sterilized or nonsterile needles put people at risk for hepatitis B or C.

 For this reason, it’s especially important to see a doctor quickly after any possible exposure to the virus.

dfgjkHow Is It Treated?

If you think you may have hepatitis B or if you have been intimate with someone who may have hepatitis B, you need to see your doctor or  gynecologist, who will do blood tests. Let the doctor know the best way to reach you confidentially with any test results.

If your doctor diagnoses hepatitis B, you may get medicines to help fight it. Sometimes, people need to be hospitalized for a little while if they are too sick to eat or drink. Most people with hepatitis B feel better within 6 months.

Homeopathic medicine for Hepatitis  ?

  Do you know that hepatitis can be cured through homeopathy ?  Homeopathic system of medication has more than 100 remedies for jaundice and hepatitis . There are few common Homoepathic remedies which are very effective in treating liver problems especially hepatitis.The list of remedies commonly used ;

  • ·        .Aconite Napellus is good at the beginning stage, especially for newly born babies suffering from jaundice.
  • ·        Chelidonium – yellow faces and stitching pain in liver.
  • ·        China Off- is normally prescribed for constipation,pale or yellow urine.
  • ·        Merc. Sol – it is good for yellowish skin ,brownish urine, hoarse voices.
  •  ·        Phosphorus – best severe pain in the liver on lying on right side and also for cirrhosis
  • ·        Crotalus Horeidus-It is meant for chronic jaundice.
  • ·        and many more homoepathic remedies which are very effective in treating hepatitis either A,B or C.


2012 in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2012 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

600 people reached the top of Mt. Everest in 2012. This blog got about 5,900 views in 2012. If every person who reached the top of Mt. Everest viewed this blog, it would have taken 10 years to get that many views.

Click here to see the complete report.